Technical Workshop on Nowcasting Manufacturing News / Sun, 01/29/2023 - 13:19 Submitted by admin on January 29, 2023 Second technical workshop on nowcasting in international organizations25-26 May 2022, 14:00 – 17:00 (CET) Document nowcasting_programme.pdf (635.11 KB) Programme Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day1-UNCTAD2.pdf (3.55 MB) Nowcasting methodologies: Advances and practical resources - Daniel Hopp, UNCTAD Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day1-Eurostat.pdf (2.12 MB) The Business Cycle clock: Coping with data uncertainty - Rosa Ruggeri Cannata, Eurostat Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day1-OECD.pdf (954.63 KB) CO2 emissions from air transport: A near-real-time global database for policy analysis - Daniel Clarke, OECD Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day1-UNIDO.pdf (3.87 MB) Consistent country-and regional-level nowcasts of industrial production - Fernando Cantu-Bazaldua, UNIDO Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day1-UNCTAD1.pdf (291.12 KB) Full lifecycle of a nowcasting project: UNCTAD's work and experience - Daniel Hopp, UNCTAD Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day1-WorldBank.pdf (2.37 MB) Nowcasting global poverty - Daniel Gerszon Mahler, World Bank Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day1-UNWomen.pdf (1.88 MB) Projecting extreme poverty by sex and age at the global, regional and country level - Ginette Azcona and Antra Bhatt, UN Women Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day1-ECLAC.pdf (655.64 KB) Recent experiences with poverty nowcasting at the regional level - Xavier Mancero and Alvaro Fuentes, UN ECLAC Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day2-ILO.pdf (401.72 KB) Using high-frequency data to track the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on labour markets - Roger Gomis, ILO Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day2-UNPD.pdf (1.43 MB) Methods used for producing population estimates and projections - Vladimira Kantorova, UNPD Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day2-UNHCR1.pdf (2.44 MB) Anticipating risk hotspots in the Sahel: The Sahel predictive analytics project - Jana Birner, UNHCR Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day2-OECD.pdf (7.44 MB) UNHCR Nowcasting dashboard on cross-border forcibly displaced populations: production and dissemination process - Giulia Del Panta, UNHCR Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day2-OECD.pdf (7.44 MB) Monitoring land use in OECD cities using satellite imagery and deep learning - Rudiger Ahrend, Paolo Veneri and Alexandre Banquet, OECD Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day2-FAO.pdf (1.25 MB) Food price inflation nowcasting and monitoring - Christian Mongeau, FAO Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day2-WorldBank.pdf (2.85 MB) Estimating food price inflation from partial surveys - Bo Pieter Johannes Andree, World Bank Document NowcastingWorkshop-Day2-WFP.pdf (1.56 MB) Predicting food insecurity globally: A deep dive into nowcasting, forecasting and demystification - Duccio Piovani, WFP